In-Line volume controls

Started by C-10-4-me, April 07, 2007, 03:47:18 PM

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Does anyone use or know of an in-line volume control that I could use? My guitar has a pickup but no volume control. A foot pedal type is not what I'm looking for. I know Shadow makes one but it has a pre amp built into it and my pickup already has that.
Any suggestions?
Happily married to the woman of my dreams and looking forward to growing old together.<br />Truly,God has smiled upon this simple man.

I use a John Pearse volume control like this:

Works great.

As you can see, I velcro'd it to my strap.
2016 Martin 000-28vs 12 fret

2014 Taylor 814ce

2014 Godin Multiac Classical

2012 Gibson "The Golden Age 1930's" SJ200

2012 Squier Vintage Modified 70's Jazz Bass

2010 Gretsch Electromatic G5122DC

2009 Taylor GA3-12e

2004 Fender American Deluxe Stratocaster

1981 Rickenbacker 320JG

1968 Yamaha FG150 Red La

If you would like to try and make your own, here is a link to an easy control (from Fishman's website):

This could be mounted at the soundhole, or put in a small project box for external use.

One word of caution, for those using passive pickups with very low level signal output, this may cause additional noise or signal degradation...

Quote from: ronmac on April 08, 2007, 06:37:37 AM
One word of caution, for those using passive pickups with very low level signal output, this may cause additional noise or signal degradation...

That's a good point ronmac... I have an active LRBaggs iBeam in my L05 and the pearse volume control adds no noise. If it were a passive iBeam, it would be different.
2016 Martin 000-28vs 12 fret

2014 Taylor 814ce

2014 Godin Multiac Classical

2012 Gibson "The Golden Age 1930's" SJ200

2012 Squier Vintage Modified 70's Jazz Bass

2010 Gretsch Electromatic G5122DC

2009 Taylor GA3-12e

2004 Fender American Deluxe Stratocaster

1981 Rickenbacker 320JG

1968 Yamaha FG150 Red La

Thanks everyone for your input. I didn't realize there were so many choices.
Drathburn, I think I'll give that one a shot and try the tone control unit. That's a pretty neat trick of using the velcro to hold it in place BTW.
Happily married to the woman of my dreams and looking forward to growing old together.<br />Truly,God has smiled upon this simple man.

They have a pile of them from Shatten at Gryphon Guitar ( discounted. They go in the endpin jack and then your cable plugs in. They're about $40 though!
Check eBay too. I got one a year ago called the Sonoflex or something, with volume and three-band EQ! ^ dB of gain. $20
Larrivee (1996) LC-09
Martin (2007) D-28
Aria AD-80
Seagull S6/Cedar
Epiphone Masterbuilt 500N
Yamaha FG-512 12-string
Eko Ranger XII 12-string, EMG undersaddle p/u
Tacoma Thunderchief bass
Vantage VS-695B Electric Bass
Rickenbacker (1986) 330-12 Mapleglo  blk h'ware
Flea Ukulele
Lanakai Bari Uke

I have a Martin version that I bought around 15 years ago to use on a preamp-equipped guitar. I don't know if they (or Fishman, probably) still sell it, but I think it also has a crude tone control.

As mentioned, a volume pot really isn't a good idea with a passive high-impedance pickup. In practice though, all I really used the volume control for was to mute the guitar before setting it down. For that purpose, you could change the volume pot to 10M. It won't sound great in the middle, but wide open it won't cause much degradation and won't pop when you turn it off like a switch would.

The J Pearse volume control is only $24.95.
2016 Martin 000-28vs 12 fret

2014 Taylor 814ce

2014 Godin Multiac Classical

2012 Gibson "The Golden Age 1930's" SJ200

2012 Squier Vintage Modified 70's Jazz Bass

2010 Gretsch Electromatic G5122DC

2009 Taylor GA3-12e

2004 Fender American Deluxe Stratocaster

1981 Rickenbacker 320JG

1968 Yamaha FG150 Red La

I have both the Schatten and the Martin VTC. Both work reasonably well but do not confuse them with a preamp. If your pickup does not have sufficient volume, this will not amplify it. I use both in-hole and undersaddle pickups that have beaucoups volume inherent. The tone control works somewhat but not as well as a preamp.

Larrivée D-09BW
Larrivée LV-03BW
Larrivée OM-03K
Larrivée LV-03-12
Martin D-18 RIP :crying:
Mossman Tennessee 12
Gretsch Chet Atkins DC
Gretsch Tennessee Rose
Fender Am. Stratocaster
Guild X-170T Manhattan
Fender 90s Telecaster Custom
Guild Starfire 5
Gretsch 5422 12 String
G&L ASAT Deluxe Semi

Which (if any) would work with the K&K Pure Western Mini?

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