Dealer Invovlement Question/Suggestion

Started by FNG, August 15, 2006, 04:08:09 PM

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Has anyone considered a section for dealer, with controlled activity?  Maybe if they registered and had to pay some sort of fee to go towards forum administration.   They would be able to post ads of guitars or whatever, and be required to meet Larrivee or other maker online pricing requirements.  Just a thought, I'm sure there is a downside.

Life is too short to drink cheap beer.

I can't see much of an upside for the dealer or the public on this one. If the dealer has a good website (managing one space is a lot of work, keeping another Forum site current would only be more work) and they have the allowed url in their signature, readers will gravitate to their site.

My 2 cents...

The Larrivée Forum must stay neutral in regards to dealer advertisement.  By doing this we do not promote or demote any Larrivée dealers.  This gives ALL Larrivée dealers fairness in their own individual sales.  Promoting online dealers is not fair to those dealers that do not use the Internet for sales.

The Larrivée Forum will not allow advertisement of products by any dealers, Larrivée or otherwise.  We do allow dealers to have a single URL in their signature.  This is and will be the only advertisement allowed on the Larrivée Forum.


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