RS-4 Okay - now I get it

Started by ST, April 17, 2010, 11:26:50 PM

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Played an RS-4 today (beautiful tobacco sunburst).

I was told that it had Lollar pickups in it.

Loved the neck: Chunky and solid.

Loved the look: Single cut, body bevels, high gloss (what's not to like)

Loved the sound: Holy moly, from crystaline clarity to growly bite all in the right hand attack to the strings. That's with the volume control all the way up. All the control was there at my fingertips. Very very cool.

Wasn't crazy about the price - not that it was out of line for what it was but when you get into that neighbourhood there's a lot of competition.

If I didn't already have (several) more electrics than acoustics I might be sorely tempted but I've got a few that I already use to approach the music that I'd be playing on an RS-4.  But if I didn't have those, the RS-4 would be here now.

There were three at the dealer where I saw these but the sunburst was definitely the stunner in the group.

I've been reading everyone's reactions to the RS-4 and I believed you all but that was all in my head. The sense of knowing that really pervades the nether regions wasn't there from reading, but now I get it.

Glad you were able to get the "hands on" experience.

Did they all have Lollars in them? If any had the Larrivee pickups, did you compare? If not, you'll have to go back sometime and do some A/B listening; you might be amazed (again) at how good the Larrys stand up to the Lollars.

:nice guitar:
2021 C-03R TE left-handed
Larrivee owner since 1992

Hi Mikeymac,

I didn't ask about the pickups in the other RS-4s. I didn't play them either. I was in serious SERIOUS S E R I O U S trouble with my self-control mechanism.

I was really enjoying coming into a little money from unexpected sales of gear that I was not using.  It wouldn't have covered the RS-4 but it would have gotten it down to the price that I've seen them go for used (inexplicably) around here.

I played the one long enough to start the mental machinations that can lead to money changing hands and then I bolted before reaching for my wallet.

Actually - they also had an 00-60 that stole my heart and it was a grand more.

I just kept reminding myself, "no matter what you do, it's still just you" and that little mantra got me out the door unscathed.

Quote from: ST on April 18, 2010, 12:02:59 AM

I just kept reminding myself, "no matter what you do, it's still just you" and that little mantra got me out the door unscathed.

How true...for ALL of us!  :+1:
2021 C-03R TE left-handed
Larrivee owner since 1992

BTW, what store did you play these at? What town/city?

I can't convince my local Larrivee dealer to stock these (of course he started selling Taylor recently, so he hasn't been stocking as many Larrivee acoustics lately, either). So even though he ordered my RS-4 for me, and agreed that it's a great guitar, he's afraid they will just wilt hanging on a wall next to Les Pauls.
2021 C-03R TE left-handed
Larrivee owner since 1992

Quote from: ST on April 19, 2010, 06:54:07 PM

Vancouver, BC

Wow!!! selling Larrivee since 1972. Not sure tho if I am envious of being that close to such a source, I think I might go out of my mind!!!! Gosh I would like to visit that dealer one day
Larrivee Electrics - My Dream then and Now!!!!!<br /><br />Forum IV     00-03MT       #4      (Treasured)

I've been meaning to go out to Rufus lately to check out their selection.  I bought my C19 there in 1992.  Did they have any lefty RS 4's?  The local Long and Mcquade near me told me that Larrivee had discontinued  :wacko: the RS4 when I was in there just last week.  Retards.
1991 Larrivee lefty C19        Forum 3 #68A LS03 IS/RW HB lefty
Form 3 #52  LS03 all mahogany lefty
Yamaha FG450                    1993 Les Paul Standard lefty
Yamaha FG335                    2012 American Standard Stratocaster
Fender Classical (1974?)      2011 RS-2 w/P-90's
Takamine 12 string

Now thats what I call a dealer that is really on "TOP OF THEIR GAME" staying
updated on current models of an accomplished "LINE" like LARRIVEE when
they have 10-15 acoustics in inventory! :mad:

RS-4's have been discontinued!Okay! :roll

Mac Baker

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