pass on your tips

Started by flatlander, April 27, 2007, 02:58:19 PM

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Interested.  What site are you referring to?

For chord/theory/ technique stuff  drop down to woodshed.  Very knowedable people folks there. Lessons, samples of what different modes sound like ect. Check out guitar theory lessons at bottom of woodsheding. I've just scratched the surface looking over threads. Some of it's a bit much for me but lots of stuff I can use, to dig out as well. I like to take those things and apply them in a relitively easy manner so I can make the most out of where my hands are already. Very few big stretch chords here. They also have lots of other areas of interest including acoustic section and a couple just fun forums. If anybody has questions about anything I posted ask and I'll try to explain. The next thing I was going to post on was 3rd's used in context of lead. If anyone wants to know about how I use them just ask and I'll post. Best thing I ever started doing. If anyone else want to add thier own tips here please do. I've learned some cool new chords from this thread. I don't hold a candle to some of these guys on other site, but I do think I know some tricks that are pretty easy that really beef up your playing. Cheers.
10-1614 more than a number, it's body and soul.

Quote from: strawintogold on November 17, 2008, 11:37:08 AM
I'm interested, it's just SOOOOOOO much further along than I am,lol. So I'd like it to be around when I can comprehend it.

They have lessons for beginners as well. Get started on it now a bit at a time at least and it will make your journey quicker.
10-1614 more than a number, it's body and soul.

Thanks for the Link Flatlander.

I tool a quick look and there looks like there's a lot of good info to be had.

Larrivee 00-03MT Forum IV  #30 of 29


I would love to hear your info on thirds, please do share.  I make it a point  to check this thread whenever something new has been added.  I've incorporated some of what has already been posted into my playing, so thanks.  Wish I could offer more myself, but I'm more of sponge at my stage of development.

Hey I'm glad to! Just wanted to make sure someone was looking at this stuff. To reiterate. I AM NOT A GUITAR WIZARD. I've been playing since I was 15 and I'm 51 now. (What a difference flipping the 1 and 5 around make huh?) This stuff came SLOW to me. My desire is to share these things that I came to the hard way. Like every 2 years coming across something cool an then exploring it and ABUSING it. My thing has alway been to find things that a half axx player(myself) can do that aren't that hard but really add a lot.
Yes things like the 3rds take some practice and work, but God willin and the creek don't rise, time WILL go by and a year or two later they come quite naturally! Remember this. The hardest thing may be getting started on guitar. Those torturous hours of changing from G to C to D. And then just when you're feelin all big you go for the F chord. Sometimes I think they call it F for a reason.
These 3rds and a lots of other little movements I've put on here are no where near as hard as learning F. If you put 1/4th the work in as you did learning F you can expand. That was way to much rambling.............................

Starting to use 3rd's for leads or walk ups to after years of playing is one of the best things I've ever done. Highly recommended.
I'm going to put just the notes AND explain it theory wise. If the theory is confusing, forget it. Get back to it later though.
I consider this first set to be based out of D shape chord. If you walk these 3rds straight up the neck you get the D major scale in 3rd's
Do RE MI-----------
You're only using 2 fingers, not hard! Just a matter of learning pattern. Learn the whole pattern straight up the neck to start. But when using in practical terms you'll usually just us portions. Here's a couple of very simple ways to start incorporating them into playing 1 step at a time.. Your playing in D just do this
That's right just splitting the time you're spending on D by going up and right back down. Next step. Take it one notch higher.
6/----------------------------------(5)with thumb---------------------------------------
Here your doing the same thing but playing the D chord on 5th and 7th fret. LISTEN, when using the 3rd position as a D chord go ahead and play the 3rd string as well. That not only makes it fuller but defines it as a D chord clearly.  Don't get hung up on this right now but theres more to say about that. I won't muddy the water,yet. The important thing is to get used to these kind of movements. The rest of the notes are optional but all are correct notes for D chord.

Then you could step it up some more
Here your just walking it up a little further, then right back down to D. This could/would all happen while song is staying on D.
So you and bud usually just strum pretty easy songs. While (s)he's justing sittin there struming a D chord, throw that in. They'll go "man where did that come from"?Play around and find different ways to use them. It won't come overnite but these aren't too hard and if you keep incorporating them a little peice at a time, you can start using them pretty darn quickly. There's much more. As long as someone says they are intersted AND practicing this stuff I'll keep on, like ideas of what to do when this simple D song changes to G chord, then A chord. The 3rds on 2nd and 3rd strings, 3rd and 4th strings. How you can add notes to these easily. (after all you've got 2 free fingers there ready for duty) ect I'll skip the theory aspect for now but to say these can be thought of as little pieces of chords. If you go back and look at what chords make up what keys you'll see the pattern goes Maj min min MAJ MAJ min then (b3 b5), Oh hell I'll go ahead and show this.
Your taking the open D shape chord and and walking the scale up the neck using  D chord shapes, changing it to a Dm shape chord where appropriate and only using the note on 1 and 2nd string, which happens to be the I and III of the chord. (hence 3rds) Heres the same thing I put up in first diagram showing the whole chord with other note in shape included in ( ) This () note is the 5th
Remember chords in key M m m M M m (b5b7)
              I D maj       II Em         III F#min       IV GMaj          V A Maj            VI Bmin         VII  C#b5b3   
The 3rd string is the 5th of your triad, the 2nd string the 1 and the first string the 3rd. If you want, check this out. Play the scale up the neck like this and use entire chord. It'll make earier post about what chords work in a key clearer. Remember the shapes are all either an open D shape or Open Dm shape (except VII) just moved up the neck. Well I suppose that's a bit to keep someone busy a while. This is good stuff. Sensibud of tips. highly recommended.
10-1614 more than a number, it's body and soul.

For mandolin, these same types of things are GREAT.
Same idea. 1 is on the 1st string this time though and 3rd on the 2nd string(s)
This would be working out of a G chord

    G chord

If you play mandolin  you know that since the strings are all tuned the same interval from each other, you can simply move
chord  shape over a string and use same shape so you can  do same thing 3rds wise on 2nd and 3rd string using C shape.
    C chord
anywhere you use that chord shape, the same 3rd pattern will apply above it.
10-1614 more than a number, it's body and soul.

That was a fantastic post!  I  read it in its entirety, and  I'm eager to practice what you put down there.  I very much appreciated your "ramblings" leading into the exercise, because yeah, the first year of guitar is daunting.  Chord changes, daunting.  Maintaining rhythm, daunting.  Good to hear from someone who has conquered the slowness of learning.  I consider myself in the slow and steady camp of learners, maybe with an emphasis on slow.  Keeps me inspired to hear from those who maybe didn't have the gift of musical prowess right out of the gate, but had  the dedication to keep at it.  And to know that there are breakthroughs if you do so.

I played through everything you detailed there and will incorporate it into daily practice.   Posts like yours take a lot of time to write, so I really appreciate your doing it.  Really helpful.

Very cool! As long as 1 person is actually working on this, and lets me know, I'll keep on. Ryler, keep this in the back of your mind. Don't kill yourself with the theory right now if it doesn't click but keep nibbling at it.
Eventually when you understand the 3rds well, it will lead you to knowing chords all over the neck. That may be 2,3,5 years from now. Hopefully not cause I bore that cross already and can help speed it along. But plant that seed. More on how/why that's gonna happen later. I went back and corrected the overlapping lines. What you put in post can get convaluted when it actually goes to thread.
Please if you have any questions, ask them. Make me think more. The more I write these down the more they concrete up in my head.
10-1614 more than a number, it's body and soul.

Moving this discussion over to new thread called "using 3rd's and beyond.
Please continue to use this thread for cool chords, or one off little tips. thanks!
10-1614 more than a number, it's body and soul.

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