D'Addario bridge pins

Started by shellback, February 01, 2025, 07:39:39 AM

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Just wanted to know if anyone has used the D'Addario ebony bridge pins
"made in U.S.A" on thier Larrivee's & if so did they fit correctly,sound good; were they comparable to the ebony bridge pins made in Germany and offered for purchase at Larrivee Authentic.com?

 :?  Shellback

I haven't tried the D'Addario ebony bridge pins but I saw them listed on Amazon for $27.99.

I did buy two sets of pins from the Larrivee Pro Shop on their website that were made in Germany.
The first set were Tortoise w/abalone dots and the second set were black ebony w/abalone dots and I bought both sets on sale which came out at about the same price as the D'Addarios.

Candidly, if there was improvement to the sound, I couldn't tell. On the other hand, the abalone dots were a nice addition to the overall appearance of both guitars and they were a perfect fit,

I purchased ebony bridge pins off Amazon for under $10 and they work great and fit just right. The good thing about ebony is you can sand them down easily if needed.

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