Fingers 234 for open EAD chords???

Started by stollie, December 24, 2011, 11:20:13 AM

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Quote from: flatlander on December 31, 2011, 07:05:02 PM
I have sent a PM to Lynn requesting that he let me combine this with 3rds and beyond thread. Do a little cleaning up and then post IT as sticky. Would be a more logical order and hace the chord theory 101 at beginning so reast would make sense to those who don't know about intervals and chord theory. The thead would start with 3rds, expand out to triads then explain or show how to make you own, more full blown chords. Along with little tricks along the way.
I for one would greatly appreciate that and would definately use it to boost my playing skills.

Thanks again, Flatlander
"Badges?  We don't need no stinkin' badges."

Became a Shooting Star when I got my 1st guitar.
Back in '66, I was 13 and that was my fix.
Still shooting for stardom after all this time.
If I never make it, I'll still be fine.


I have combined threads and Lynn has moved it to sticky. Thanks, Lynn
10-1614 more than a number, it's body and soul.

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