Advice on clear pickguard removal

Started by LarryDelux, December 02, 2007, 04:03:05 PM

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I have removed alot of pickguards in my time, (successfully) but I have never removed a clear guard. Anything different about them? Any advice on how to start the lifting process? There is not much to grab on to? Thanks!
Pleased to own OM-10MR, OM-50TSB, JCL, L-09LE

The clear pickguards are more flexible and heat shouldn't be necessary. It helps to pull the pickguard back across itself(folding it over) so you aren't pulling away from the top as much; work in a little naphtha when needed along the receding line. Then clean up the remaining adhesive, also with naphtha, and you're set.

Ok, sounds good! Thanks!
Pleased to own OM-10MR, OM-50TSB, JCL, L-09LE

I just removed a clear pickguard from my D-03R.....take a look....

Initially I heated up the plastic guard with the hair dryer, just enough to where it was "luke warm" to the touch.

Then, with only my finger nail I started to pick up an edge of the guard until I had enough to grip

I then slowly started to pull back on the guard at an angle, moving slowly as I heated the exposed seam between the guard and the soundboard.

Once the guard was completely removed I could see and feel a few areas that were sticky from the adhesive.  With a terry cloth and a little naptha these sticky areas were easily removed.

Hope that helps you, or anyone else interested in the process.
Mcilroy A30C, 2005
Yamaha FG-512, 1978
Custom Built Orchestra Model

Previously Owned:
Larrivee L-10 Special Edition, 2002
Larrivee Classical, 1977
Larrivee LV-05E, 2005
Larrivee P-09
Larrivee OM-05 custom
Larrivee OM-03
Larrivee D-03R, 1997

GREAT illustration!! Thanks!!

I will be careful not to have my bridge come off when I do the hairdryer though... :humour:
Pleased to own OM-10MR, OM-50TSB, JCL, L-09LE

Yeah...those bridges sure are sensitive to that heat.....  :crying:

Stay tuned for a post regarding my "restoration" of that old D-03R....

Mcilroy A30C, 2005
Yamaha FG-512, 1978
Custom Built Orchestra Model

Previously Owned:
Larrivee L-10 Special Edition, 2002
Larrivee Classical, 1977
Larrivee LV-05E, 2005
Larrivee P-09
Larrivee OM-05 custom
Larrivee OM-03
Larrivee D-03R, 1997

One suggestion.

If you wish to prevent any heat to affect a different part of the guitar i.e. bridge,here's a tip.

With painter's masking tape,isolate the bridge from the pickguard using an oven mitt (or part of) or any type of fabric with an asbestos coating.

Makes sense Eh?


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