
Started by JoeInLex, September 27, 2006, 01:08:38 PM

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Seems like everyone has their own particular favorite brand and thickness of strings.  Also seems that people go right out and replace the Cleartone strings that come with the Larrivee's these days.  Here's a few questions:

- Is there a way to classify strings not only by the thickness but also by the tone that they'll tend to favor?  In other words, D'Addario EXP lights .012 - .055 will sound brighter than Elixer strings of the same gauges?

- I'm looking to get a set of strings that will be easier to play as well as impart a more bright sound to my L-09.  Haven't really ever experimented with varied strings except for going to an Extra Light Elixir Nanoweb.  I know that the end results was an easier playing guitar with a very balanced sound compared to the bright and less playable strings that I had on prior.  Any recommendations on strings? 

- If you purchased the same string gauge strings from varied maufacturers, would they wind up being under the same string tension in order to get the same notes.

Thank you.

Attached is a page on D'addario's web site, which shows a bright to mellow scale of their strings.  Since Elixir Nanowebs are 80/20, they would correspond more to the D'addario EXP 80/20 bronze.  The Elixir PB would be similar to the D'addario EXP PB.

I don't know of a way to compare different brands, other than trying them out.  Both Elixirs and EXPs are coated strings.  Coated strings tend to have a different tone than non-coated and different manufacturers have different tones as well.

Larrivee J-09FM
Taylor 814ce
Music Man Axis SS w/piezo

This would be my recommendation:
Newtone MasterClass Medium Light 80/20's: (.012- .016- .024- .032- .042- .052) $8.75/set.
Newtone MasterClass Custom 80/20's: (.012- .016- .024- .034- .044- .054) $8.75/set.

You can get them from Guitar Gallery.

These are the most playable strings around.  When brought up to pitch they are at less tension then other strings.  They also last a fair amount of time.  You can read up on them.

However, they are not the brightest strings out there.  I have found the 80/20s to sound a little more alive then the phos bronze.

Larrivee P-03MT
Martin 00
Epiphone Bluesmaster

Did you ever notice how that when it comes to beer and guitar strings most people try a few and then declare "their brand" the one and only. Sometimes for life...  :winkin:

You have to make a choice. Do you want to ask everyone what your favourite beverage should be, or are you gonna try a few before you get "branded"?  :humour:

I agree to a certain extent BUT, thanks to the feedback from a question, I have been introduced to a brand / manufacturer that I never would have known of, let alone tried.  I probably would have wound up only with the major players. 

By the way, Old Peculier is TERRIFIC beer


In reading many threads over the years, and from my own personal experience, the whole "string thing" is a can of worms.  There are so many variables involved and so many personal (subjective) viewpoints that it makes discussion difficult if not meaningless.  Still, I think there are some truisms:

1)  Sonic differences between different sets of strings (brand, composition, guage, tension) exist.
2)  There is no best set of strings.  There are only different sets of strings.
3)  What set of strings is best for a particular player can only be determined by that particular player.

Steve's synopsis should stand as the definitive statement regarding this subject. It is accurate, concise and fitting for all. However, I bet we will will be asking, and answering, this question for years to come.

I tend to use D'Addario as the benchmark and try them on any guitar I am to play. If I find there is something missing I will start to experiment with different brands. On one particular guitar I find that EJ17 is the way to go, on another I am fond of how John Pearse New Mediums work.

If we can agree that no one brand/model guitar will work for each of us, or for each musical situation, we should agree that no one string brand/guage/compostion will suit all.


My LV came with Elixers and I wonder if Cleartones are superior to them. I know Elixers are very easy on your fingers and the string tension feels less than with PBs.
Martin 0M-28 Marquis
Martin HD-28VS
Harmony Sovereign H1260
Larrivee Bakersfield
Taylor GS Mini
Alvarez Yairi CY130

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